Sunday Selfies — Purrseidon

Dear Furiends, My banana plant has a new sprout! As I understand it, once my plant has two or three sprouts, it will then bloom. This is very exciting, purrticularly since last year, when I planted my baby banana, it was about the size of the little one. I think I have ‘green paws’ that […]

via Sunday Selfies — Purrseidon

Author: foguth

Though Jeanne began her career technical writing, her love of romantic-suspense, whether it be present, future or in an unknown galaxy inspired her to write the novels she wanted to find in bookstores. Since marrying, Jeanne and her husband have lived from the arctic to the tropics, as well as from yacht to off-grid mountain home. She loves using vivid colors and flowing shapes in her oil paintings as well as creating edible landscapes. At present, she is finishing writing the Chatterre Trilogy and working on a new episode for The Sea Purrtector Files. You can always find out what she is working on and/or contact her at:

4 thoughts on “Sunday Selfies — Purrseidon”

      1. Well, only half of us cats apparently have a gene that helps us appreciate ‘nip, so it’s nice that you’ve got a girl friend who likes yours.
        …. too bad you live so far away, Ms. Kiara has the most amazing ‘nip blends – I never fully appreciated the stuff until I became one of her testers – I think she puts magic in her blends. For certain, my own catnip isn’t that wonderful.

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