Getting Up in the World…

Hearing an odd sound, I looked up at the top of the cupboards and saw this:

P1160480.JPGMr. M,  how did you get up there?

Ms. Munchkin informed me he had been up there since yesterday and that he might be stuck… I am scratching my head wondering how a cat who can barely climb a cat tree or jump onto a chair got on top of the cabinet.

Sadly, Ms. Munchkin may be right and he might be stuck. We shall see, if he needs to be rescued…

Author: foguth

Though Jeanne began her career technical writing, her love of romantic-suspense, whether it be present, future or in an unknown galaxy inspired her to write the novels she wanted to find in bookstores. Since marrying, Jeanne and her husband have lived from the arctic to the tropics, as well as from yacht to off-grid mountain home. She loves using vivid colors and flowing shapes in her oil paintings as well as creating edible landscapes. At present, she is finishing writing the Chatterre Trilogy and working on a new episode for The Sea Purrtector Files. You can always find out what she is working on and/or contact her at:

11 thoughts on “Getting Up in the World…”

    1. Purrseidon is our climber, so we’re used to seeing cats in high spots … and when ‘cousin Quark’ (parrot) visits, we’re used to seeing him and Purr on rafters, etc. However, Mr. M is old, arthritic and non-athletic, so his main activity is snoozing by the computer while I write – I call him my muse, so it’s no wonder my books tend to have feline characters.
      That all said, I was not surprised to see a pet up there .. but I was shocked to see HIM.

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    1. I would LOVE to know the how on earth part, myself… My dear M is NOT athletic and both Munchkins swear they did not assist him in any way. Prior to this incident, the highest he had ever gotten was to sit on top of the kitchen trash can, which put his eyes above counter level – granted, that was disconcerting, but nothing to spotting him on top of a box, which was on the high cabinets!

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      1. LOL I love the eyes over the counter level haha 😉

        And yes I know what you mean! Oli by no means is lazy and can actually get quite high but we had a similar incident where he managed to get on the top of the high ward robe with no objects to assist him climb. A good 2 meters up… I still have to post the photos of that actually xD

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      2. I’m glad that others have had similar experiences — I would never have questioned Ms. Purr being up high and secretly suspect she might be able to fly, but when faced with dear ole M that high after years of him seemingly glued to the floor? Major shock!

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