13 Early Warning Signs of Arthritis


Did you know that stiffness, especially after rest was a warning sign of arthritis? I didn’t, therefore, I thought this info-graphic, which I discovered on Pinterest was very interesting. Prior to reading over the 13 warning signs, I assumed that our old dog, Belle, simply had hip displacia, but now that I’ve gone over the info-graphic, I suspect that she also might have suffered from Arthritis.


Pet Arthritis


I was shocked to learn that 1 in 5 doges over the age of 7 as well as 90% of geriatric cats suffers from arthritis. Mr. M rarely graces this blog because he is one of the 90% and he suffers with arthritic paws. Fortunately, many of his issues have been relieved since he has been using Milo’s Meow Mix, which is one of Cat-a-bliss catnip blends, I don’t think this option is available for all pets (to the best of my knowledge, Cat-a-bliss only ships to addresses in the US), and let’s face it, dogs don’t go ga-ga over ‘nip. So, when I discovered these two info-graphics on Pinterest, I thought the information regarding symptoms, the joint damage and medical options might be useful to you.


Frankincense (Boswellia)

Frankincense was being used as a treatment for asthma, fevers, rheumatism, gastrointestinal 98acd60cd25df601e21e00c96c87ab0eproblems and various inflammatory conditions long before the three wise men brought to Bethlehem. Frankincense comes from boswellia shrubs and trees and the ancient Egyptians used it in rejuvenation face masks and to this day it is used in skin care products because frankincense oil promotes healthy cell regeneration and keeps existing cells and tissues healthy, both externally and internally.frankincense

Nimri believes incense made from its bark relieves depression because it has comforting properties that help focus the mind and overcome stress and despair.

Scientists have observed that there’s an agent in this oil that not only stops cancer from spreading, but also induces cancerous cells to close themselves down

Frankincense1-500x500Nimri also uses this medicinally for older members of her tribe, who suffer from arthritis, however, she also believes it is good for preventing formation of toxins during acute allergic reactions and treating bronchial asthma. When taking frankincense oil internally, it’s best to dilute a drop in an edible carrier oil (like coconut oil), a teaspoon of honey, or a glass of purified water or any non-acidic, non-dairy beverage. You can also put a drop or two under your tongue.

* Avoid use during pregnancy or giving to children ages six and below. Older children and teens may require higher dilutions.


Cherries are not only delicious, they give a versatile health benefit, so Nimri has Bryta add them to everything nimriredwordfrom dairy, to pork; eaten raw or cooked down to make a sauce or strained for juice.

Are you aware that eating cherries helps ease arthritis and gout pain?

It is true.eatopener_cherry

Excess uric acid in the blood causes the excruciating pain, swelling, tenderness and inflammation associated with arthritis and gout. And a USDA study discovered that uric acid can be reduced by as much as 15 percent by eating 2 cups of Bing cherries. Cherries also help reduce painful inflammation by decreasing the amount of C-reactive protein produced. So, if you suffer from arthritis and gout, adding cherries to your diet can decrease the intense pain associated with those ailments.

Cherries deep red pigment helps fight cancer, too, because the aspect that gives the beautiful color is a powerful antioxidant that help fight free radicals in the body.

If fighting cancer and reducing uric acid weren’t a good enough reasons to snack on them, the melatonin in them also helps one sleep and the potassium in them helps lower blood pressure because it rids excess sodium from our bodies.Cherries_May31

Studies have shown that two tablespoons of tart cherry juice can be as effective as a melatonin supplement. Go for sweet cherries with the deepest pigment; crimson-purple rather than bright red if your goal is antioxidants or bright red, tart cherries, if you want to lower body temperature and sleep. (Tart cherries are one of nature’s few sources of melatonin, a hormone that lowers body temperature, making us sleepy.)

The Cat’s Claw Plant

Medicine to improve symptoms of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. is made from the GB0613_4 2.tifroot and bark of the cat’s claw plant.

Nimri could also use cat’s claw to treat her tribe’s digestive system disorders, which involve swelling and pain (inflammation) to include: diverticulitis, colitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids, and leaky bowel syndrome.

Some people also use cat’s claw for viral infections including shingles, cold sores , and AIDS.

Cat’s claw is also used for chronic fatigue syndrome, wounds, parasites, asthma, hay fever, and cancer (especially urinary tract cancer). Cat’s claw contains cats_clawchemicals that seem to stimulate the immune system, kill cancer cells, and fight viruses, so this isn’t just a plant with a cool name.


Kava roots are used to make a ceremonial/medicinal drink which has sedative/anesthetic properties. This drink has been used throughout the Pacific Ocean’s Polynesian cultures including Hawaii, Vanuatu, Melanesia and nimriredwordsome parts of Micronesia.

The most interesting thing about kava (at least to me) is that can relax the user without disrupting their mental clarity. Therefore Nimri has it in her herbal garden and uses it as a treatment for anxiety, upset stomach, asthma, arthritis and rheumatism, as well as help one relax, which makes it viable for treating headaches and cramps.

While kava is not regulated on Chatterre; here, on earth, kava has been linked to liver damage, which is why it is regulated in some European countries and strictly prohibited in Poland. Kava

Kiara, who designed the cover for Star Bridge, was playing with pixels, yesterday and came up with the Nimri art at the left…. Mother Nature designed the kava leaves at right 😉